Connectivity Issues
- Connection issues due to Third Parties Even if speed tests indicate that your connection exceeds 20 Mbps, there may be other factors affecting your connection quality and, therefore, worsening it, such as poor router quality or configuration applied by the ISP. Specifically, some ISPs use CGNAT to provide Internet access to a larger number of users....
- How can I prevent my firewall from blocking my gaming session? The majority of modern computers come with a pre-configured firewall. This software prevents connections from untrusted sources from sending unwanted information to (or from) your computer. Since the Claro Gaming Cloud application needs to continuously receive the game image and send key data to interact with the game, these firewalls...
- Claro Gaming Cloud is running slow. What can I do? First and foremost, we suggest closing all applications that are also connected to the Internet, including those running in the background on your device, as they can reduce the connection quality. Whenever possible, we also recommend connecting your device to the router using an Ethernet cable, or for mobile devices,...
- What type of internet connection do I need? To enjoy the best possible experience, we recommend having at least 20 Mbps through an Ethernet cable, WiFi, or 5G. Whenever possible, it's also advised to keep your device connected to the router via an Ethernet cable, and for mobile devices, using a 5G network is suggested. If using a...